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Tool nameVarScan
URL http://varscan.sourceforge.net/
Important features1. VarScan is able to detect SNPs and indels from both Solexa and Roche platforms. 2. Unlike currently available variant detection tools, VarScan is compatible with several read aligners (BLAT, Newbler, cross_match, Bowtie and Novoalign) and calls variants in both individual and pooled samples. 3. As an input VarScan requires an alignment file. As an output, user gets reports of SNPs, insertions and deletions with their chromosomal coordinates, alleles, flanking sequence and read counts.
CitationsKoboldt DC, Chen K, Wylie T, Larson DE, McLellan MD, Mardis ER, Weinstock GM, Wilson RK, Ding L. VarScan: variant detection in massively parallel sequencing of individual and pooled samples. Bioinformatics. 2009 Sep 1;25(17):2283-5. Epub 2009 Jun 19. PMID: 19542151
Year of publication2009
Rank by usage frequency100
FunctionSNP discovery, Indel discovery
CategoryFree, Downloadable
Input file formatpileup file
Output file format
Operating systemWindows 32/64bit Linux/Unix 32/64bit Mac OS X 32/64bit
Operating languageJAVA
PlatformRoche 454 Illumina/Solexa ABI SOLiD
Maintained byWashington University in St. Louis
Downloadable file format
Submission file format

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